Town Investment Plan
Crewe was selected as one of 101 towns eligible for up to £25m funding from the Towns Fund. The Crewe Town Board led in developing proposals as required by Government. These formed part of a broader 10-year Town Investment Plan which they submitted in January 2021. The Plan sets out investment priorities and project proposals to shape Crewe’s long-term economic growth and development. It was drafted following extensive consultation with Crewe’s communities.
In July 2021 the Government announced that Crewe was one of the latest UK towns to successfully secure a ‘Town Deal’ with an allocation of up to £22.9 million of funding. ‘Heads of Terms’ were then agreed.
The board (October 2021) announced details of a package of the 10 projects it intends to move forward with and how the funding would be used to support them. Further detailed documents have also been submitted to government.
The next stage of the process is to ensure that all projects have individual business cases including details of further engagement with local residents, businesses and organisations, before submitting these to government by summer 2022 for its agreement and sign off.
It is only then that government will make a final funding offer and physical works on the projects can begin.
All projects will start by 2022 and all of the Towns Fund grants will be spent by 31 March 2026.